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Book Publication Announcement

FINALLY I have in hand my first copies of The Goodnight Agency — a YA fantasy by me, writing under my nom de plume, Tyler Tork. I’m very excited about this release — surely the best thing ever written by anyone. I hope you will agree, and buy copies for any acquaintances of an appropriate age (the adults who’ve read it also think it’s grand). Suggesting your local public library order a copy or two is also not a bad idea, if you want to help out without spending any money. And please don’t forget to write a review!!!

"working" screen displayed during delay

Close & Reopen Database, and Ad Hoc Stored Form

HOW TO create a design element and immediately make use of it by automatically closing and reopening the current application (tricky!). BONUS create a stored form in memory and view it without ever saving it.

Workstation-specific user application settings

For a couple of applications, I’ve needed a way to store values specific to the combination of a user and workstation. These are personal settings, in other words, but the same person may need different settings if they use the application on a different workstation. This would mostly be local filepaths, things like the last folder the user selected for a particular file-open prompt, or the path of an external tool the user has to launch in a given situation. A list of recently accessed files. These would be different on different workstations. Implementation strategy and alternatives You could use environment variables for some of this, and that might be the answer in some situations. But there’s a limit to the amount of data you can conveniently store that way, and you have to worry… Read More »Workstation-specific user application settings

Domino error list application icon

New download: Domino error list

Also available on the Downloads page, this is a Notes database containing a list of Notes/Domino error messages and their corresponding number codes and symbolic names, and other string resources ditto, compiled from scanning the header files in the Notes/Domino source pack. I’ve found it useful in figuring out the meanings of odd status codes returned by APIs with no corresponding text.

Posted presentation on CompareDBs

I gave a presentation about CompareDBs, the new template in 12.0.1 Domino server, for a recent OpenNTF webinar. The slides for that — with their attached notes — are a reasonably good summary of what the tool is good for, so I decided to post them here. This is also available on the Downloads page. The tool was developed for internal use at HCL, because we were getting too many unintended changes in our Notes templates and needed a way to do code reviews and know we were seeing all the functional differences — and filter out the nonfunctional differences such as last-accessed timestamps. It’s also designed to store difference reports and link them to SCCS submissions (e.g. in GIT). I’m curious to know what other tools people are using to track changes and conduct… Read More »Posted presentation on CompareDBs

Introducing LotusScriptorium

Andre Guirard. Some of you know me. I retired from HCL about a year ago to follow my own pursuits, including (under the pseudonym Tyler Tork) WordPress development, fiction writing (including a couple of books suitable for holiday gifts, in case you’re shopping), and tiny art. However, I still get questions about HCL Notes and requests for old sample applications, and I have some things to say about Notes application development that I think will be useful. So, this blog. If you have topics to request, or if you’re looking for a sample application that’s vanished from its former online home, use the contact form to ask. Thanks.